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Police discovered Marlene Doyle with significant head injuries at a flat last year

A man has been convicted of killing his partner in a ‘vicious and savage attack’ at their home in Coventry.

Police discovered Marlene Doyle with significant head injuries at a flat in Shakespeare Street on 20 January last year.

Officers attended the address after a relative reported the 32-year-old had not been seen, or been able to contact her, for a number of days. Subsequent enquiries established she most likely died up to five days earlier.

Her partner, Patryk Skupinski, had also disappeared and he was identified as the prime suspect in her murder. He was traced to his mother’s address in Coventry and arrested.

Through CCTV and phone records, officers established Skupinski had been in contact with two friends on the evening of 15 January.

Michal Lada and Kinga Rybacka went to the flat in the early hours of 16 January and then allowed him to stay with them and hide away for three days. This is despite clearly knowing Skupinski had killed his girlfriend.

The killer had also been in contact with his mother Hanna Skupinski shortly after the death of Ms Doyle.

She made enquiries around helping him leave the country and then kept him hidden at her home for two days. When officers attended her home to speak to him she initially refused to open the door.

Marlene Doyle

During the investigation, police established Ms Doyle had been subjected to domestic violence over a period of time before her death.

Patryk Skupinski, aged 37, of Shakespeare Street, Coventry, was convicted of murder, after a trial at Coventry Crown Court.

Hanna Skupinski, 59, of Bell Green Road, Coventry, was found guilty of assisting an offender.

Lada, 40, and Rybacka, 27, both of Blythe Road, Coventry, were also convicted of assisting an offender. They will all be sentenced at a later date.

Marlene’s mother Gloria said: “Marlene’s life was taken by a partner with whom she shared a loving relationship with, but ultimately became toxic due to domestic violence issues including verbal and physical abuse towards her.

“Marlene’s story should act as a warning to all women and men who find themselves within such relationships, and who choose to remain and keep quiet in the hope that the situation will improve.

“Marlene paid with her life for not acting sooner, killed at the hands of a wicked man whom she loved and trusted. Marlene will be forever missed by her three young sons and her ever loving family.”

Detective Sergeant Andy Wareham, from the homicide unit, said: “This was a vicious and savage attack in a place, and with someone, Ms Doyle should have felt the safest.

“It’s unclear what Skupinski used to attack Ms Doyle with but he left her with significant head injuries.

“It quickly became clear her relationship with Skupinski was volatile and he was immediately our prime suspect. He will quite rightly spend many, many years behind bars.

“Sadly, there were others who were willing to try and help him stay hidden. They were fully aware Ms Doyle was lying dead in the flat but were content to cover for a killer and not say anything.

“There can never be a sense of loyalty when someone has committed the most gruesome act of murder and they are now also rightly convicted criminals.

“We can only hope these convictions, and knowing people have been brought to justice, will ease some of the pain for Ms Doyle’s loved ones.”

Domestic abuse is any incident or pattern of incidents of controlling, coercive or threatening behaviour, violence or abuse between those aged 16 or over who have been intimate partners or family members, regardless of sexuality.

If you are concerned you or someone you know could be in an abusive relationship, visit here

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