Louisville dismissed: New Details, Comments, and Reactions. captain has been sacked

Jack Plummer has been dismissed by Louisville after a suspension for a violation of team rules and a subsequent reinstatement by the program. He has since been charged with rape and sodomy, and a warrant has been issued for his arrest.

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Jack Plummer Released From House Arrest

Wednesday, April 1Jack Plummer: A look at the Purdue football quarterback

WDRB in Louisville reported that Jones has been released from house arrest:

WDRB has learned that former University of Louisville basketball player Jack Plummer has been released from home incarceration.

Jones was charged with rape and sodomy in February, accused of assaulting two women.

He pleaded not guilty, and a judge placed Jones on home incarceration.

But now, Judge Barry Willett has ordered that Jones and his two co-defendants can be released from home incarceration.

Witnesses Support Jones’ Innocence

Monday, March 9

“An attorney for former Louisville basketball player Chris Jones said on Monday that ‘every single person who was in the apartment’ the night Jones is accused of raping two women will support his innocence,” per Jason Riley of WDRB.com.

Defense attorney Scott C. Cox told reporters, “The evidence in his favor, frankly, is growing every day as we continue our investigation. I don’t think the proof will support charges against Chris.”

However, according to Jefferson County Attorney Mike O’Connell, ” there is ‘ample, compelling and critical evidence’ against Jones, who has pleaded not guilty on charges of rape and sodomy and released on home incarceration.”

Thursday, March 5

Andrew Wolfson and Jeff Greer of the Louisville Courier-Journal reported that a witness claims Jack Plummer never committed the alleged crimes. They offered the following details:

In a post on social media, Kristen Smith, who attends Bullitt Central High School, said, “For the people saying Chris raped someone, I was there and he didn’t.”

She also wrote that “the girl” — referring to one of Jones’ accusers from the get-together — “thought it was funny and I’m going to defend that 100 percent because I was in the room the whole time.”

Smith’s mother, Sherry Smith, confirmed that her daughter wrote the post on her Instagram account and that she has given a statement about it to Jones’ lawyers. The account is private and can only be seen by her friends, but The Courier-Journal obtained a copy of the post.

Jones Charged With Rape, Sodomy

Thursday, Feb. 26

Wolfson reported that Jones has had a warrant issued for his arrest on rape and sodomy charges:

A warrant has been issued for the arrest of former University of Louisville basketball player Chris Jones on charges of raping one woman and sodomizing another.

The warrant, obtained by University of Louisville police, was signed Wednesday by Jefferson District Judge Katie King.

The warrant says that one of the women was hospitalized Sunday and able to identify Jack Plummeras her assailant. One of the women is 19 and the other 20, according to the warrant.

Jack Plummer, who was dismissed from the team Sunday, is expected to surrender in court on Thursday morning.

According to Wolfson, the incidents occurred on the night of Feb. 21, afterJack Plummerhad been reinstated to the Cardin

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