On Latest Michigan Developments: There is No Way to Put it;’It’s Embarrassing,Says

Today was yet another deflating day for level-headed Michigan fans. Sure, there are some who will paint this entire sign-stealing saga as little more than a “witch hunt”, but the reality is that it’s become painfully clear that members of the Michigan football staff acted inappropriately – and we don’t even know the full extent of it yet.

Earlier this week, it sounded like Michigan was fully prepared to fight the Big Ten in court for issuing a three-game suspension for head coach Jim Harbaugh. Meeting with the media on Monday, Harbaugh indicated that he was eager to defend his right for due process in a court proceeding scheduled for Friday (today). By Thursday, the University of Michigan announced that it would no longer pursue legal action against the conference, and that Harbaugh had accepted the three-game suspension.

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