What Billy Napier Said Following Florida’s Season-Ending Loss to Florida State this afternoon

Opening statement:

BILLY NAPIER: Obviously a lot of seniors in there. Out of respect for those guys, just want to make sure to spend some significant time with them. Ultimately, I would tell you it’s important that all parts of our organization, in particular the players, and really emphasize that with our other guys that we spent time telling those guys what they’ve done for the program, their example, their approach.

There’s some really special players in that group that have not only been productive on the field. We also had a lot of guys that worked their tail off throughout the week that maybe never get to play. They contribute to our team in a major way. So, yeah, that’s always a tough time.

I do want to compliment the crowd tonight. I thought our fans were fantastic. We continue to sell out these games, and certainly not only that, but their impact. I thought they were a factor tonight, and we’re very thankful for that. No doubt it was special in there tonight, over 90,000. We continue to do that, and I think that speaks to the place. This place is impacting a lot of people, and certainly we’re thankful for them showing up tonight doing their part.

I think that, when we look back at the last couple weeks, we had the lead in the fourth quarter multiple times. I think, when you’re coaching a team that has the makeup of this team this year, there’s got to be — we have to use this experience. There’s a ton of players in that locker room that are going to be back next year.

Look, we haven’t been able to finish. That’s the bottom line. I think we’re learning how to do that. We’ve been in position to do that. But ultimately I think, as we build a team that’s made up of veterans, it’s going to be important that we at some point — you know, the old adage you fall down seven times, eventually the eighth time you get up and finally get it done. I think at some point this group, the experience they got this year will pay off.

They get to go into this off-season with that experience, and that affects their entire attitude and approach to training, to practice. Certainly as you build another team dynamic, I’m hopeful that this group learns how to finish. Once we do that, I think there will be a ton of momentum opportunities that come with that.

I’m thankful for this team. Regardless of what anybody else says, this team was a special team for a lot of reasons. Their ability to continue the resiliency, the toughness — and I’m not just talking about physical toughness. This game requires mental toughness, emotional toughness. It requires work. It requires investment. It requires sacrifice.

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