The worst nightmare for the Orleans Saints

Players for the New Orleans Saints evaluated the team’s facilities, coaches, and amenities on report cards, ranking coach Dennis Allen as one of the worst in the league.

Why this matters The NFL Players’ Association compiles the rankings, which provide insight into the organization’s working environment.

The Saints dropped from 10th in the 2023 report—the first time the NFLPA produced the rankings—to 19th overall.
The mystery: The owner and head coach’s scores are now included in this year’s edition.

quickly navigates to that section.
Allen received a B- from players, which was low enough to place him 29th out of 32 NFL teams.
Players gave owner Gayle Benson a B+ and ranked her 11th in the NFL.
Behind the scenes: Players rated the team’s “treatment of families” a D+. While this may not seem like a high grade, the NFLPA notes that it “stems from lack of communication between the club and players’ families” and that it “is in line with most other clubs.”

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