SO SAD: An Orlando Pirates player has been sentenced to…….

An ex-Orlando Pirates player has received financial punishment after being compelled to pay R120K to his previous club.

Former Orlando Pirates player Xola Mlambo has been forced to pay a lump amount to TS Galaxy.

This comes after Mlambo lost his legal fight against Galaxy over a dispute he had with the Mpumalanga-based team.

Mlambo went from AmaZulu to TS Galaxy on a free transfer during the winter window of 2022. At the time, he had a two-year contract. However, he did not get to finish the term. After a falling out with Serbian coach Sead Ramovic, the former Pirates fan favourite’s contract was terminated.

Mlambo was at loggerheads with Galaxy.
According to iDiski Times, Mlambo lost a case against Galaxy and has been compelled to pay 120k!

“The player said Ramovic was targeting him after the coach dubbed him ‘lazy’. As a result, the footballer filed a claim for unpaid wages under his two-year contract. However, the case was dismissed by the PSL Dispute Resolution Chamber (DRC). In a letter seen by this magazine, the PSL DRC dismissed Mlambo’s complaint. Galaxy also filed a counterclaim for damages, which was also dismissed. However, Mlambo was ordered to “repay” Galaxy R120,000 “in respect of overpaid salaries,” as well as cover the case’s costs. I wrote the publication.

Loses and is ordered to pay a hefty penalty.
“I can’t lie and say I had a good time at TS Galaxy; even if you look at the images from when I signed a contract [with Galaxy], they speak volumes. Look at the images from when I was moving from Chippa to Wits. There is excitement and great energy as we move from Wits to Pirates. There is some trepidation, but there is also eagerness. Moving from Pirates to AmaZulu brought with it the excitement of starting a new chapter. When you look at the contract signing with TS Galaxy, the face expression speaks volumes. I sometimes wonder why I made it.

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