September 20, 2024

SO TERRIBLE: Roger Waters is very shock as his friend died in a gas explosion.

SO TERRIBLE: Roger Waters is very shock as his friend died in a gas explosion.

Roger Waters busy on new album, says Pink Floyd reunion ‘not in me’

July 3, London (Reuters) – Roger Waters, who is “busy doing other things” including working on a new album and writing a memoir, has brushed off the notion of Pink Floyd getting back together on stage.
The guitarist and singer-songwriter told Reuters in an interview that while he enjoyed his time with the rock group he co-founded in 1965, he had no ambitions to play live again with guitarist David Gilmour and drummer Nick Mason.

After experiencing personal and creative conflicts, Waters—the mastermind behind albums such as “The Dark Side of the Moon” and “The Wall”—left Pink Floyd in 1985.
His former bandmates carried on without him, mired in legal disputes over usage of the group’s name.
He and Gilmour have been involved in one of the most well-known rock feuds for years; they have lately clashed on social media on the conflict between Russia and Ukraine.

Asked if the three might ever perform together again, Waters said: “No, whatever for?”
He said the idea of a reunion was like a nostalgic need in some people but added “it’s not in me”.
Pink Floyd last performed together at the Live 8 charity concert in London in 2005, when Waters joined Mason, with whom he is friendly, Gilmour and keyboardist Richard Wright on stage.
“The crowd enjoyed our mediocre performance. I’m so incredibly happy about that. Do I wish to emulate (it) in any way? No, I don’t, especially since there are only three of us still here.”
Wright passed away in 2008. Syd Barrett, the band’s original vocalist, passed away in 2006 after leaving the group in 1968 owing to his unpredictable behavior spurred on by drug misuse.
In May, Mason told Reuters that while he would be amenable to a reunion, Gilmour and Waters did not share his enthusiasm.
It has nothing to do with any animosity or anything; I’m just busy with other things.
Individuals differ,” stated Waters.
“David and I are very, very different people and that’s okay.”
The 80-year-old Waters revealed that he was presently working on a memoir and his newest album, “The Bar”.
“I’ve been working on it for a few years now, and right now I’m sort of editing it.” I’m a busy man, so,” he remarked.

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