September 20, 2024

JUST-IN: What Made Paul McCartney His Favorite Beatles Member? The Beatles’ Assistant Said.

JUST-IN: What Made Paul McCartney His Favorite Beatles Member? The Beatles’ Assistant Said.

As Brian Epstein’s assistant, Alistair Taylor served as a “fixer” for Ringo Starr, George Harrison, Paul McCartney, John Lennon, and Paul McCartney. After Epstein passed away, he kept up his work with the band and tried his best to make things as simple as possible for them. He claimed to be friendly enough with all the Beatles to not feel like an employee, but he was especially close to one of them. Taylor explained his deep admiration for McCartney.

The aide to Brian Epstein explained why Paul McCartney was his favorite. Throughout his time with the band, Beatle Taylor maintained tight relationships with all of the Beatles. It was common for people to ask him and his colleagues who their favorite musician was.

“Mal [Evans] was once asked who his favorite Beatle was.” Taylor mentioned in Peter Brown and Steven Gaines’ book All You Need Is Love: The Beatles in Their Own Words. “After giving it some thought, he said, ‘The one I was last with.'” That’s a great response, and it’s what I wish I had thought of. But Paul and I were the closest.

He claimed that out of all the Beatles, McCartney was the one who made him feel more like a buddy. Together, they went on vacation, and when McCartney was having issues with his girlfriend Jane Asher, he would go to Taylor’s residence.

He admitted, “To be honest, I never really thought of them as employers.” “They were great friends, but they also employed me.” Especially Paul, who would occasionally accompany me home and would call me to say, “Look, come on up to Cavendish Avenue, you know, I’m fed up.”

Back then, when we went on vacation, I used to travel up to the farm [in Scotland] with him and Jane. And I traveled to Greece for a vacation with them.

Saying he was too close to McCartney and Jane Asher to talk about their split, he

Although Taylor thought of McCartney as a friend, he never discussed his split from Asher with him. Taylor felt he couldn’t bring up the topic because he spent so much time with the two of them.

Taylor declared, “That’s the gospel truth—I never found out why he broke up with Jane from that day on.” Honestly, I still think the world of Jane. She is an amazing girl. As weird as it may sound, I felt too connected to them both. It was simply one of those instances. Paul never discussed it, so I didn’t feel comfortable questioning him about it.

While trying to impart songwriting skills to Alistair Taylor, Paul McCartney wrote a Beatles song.

Taylor and McCartney’s friendship produced one of The Beatles’ most well-known tunes. How did the artist write his songs? he questioned. Taylor was instructed by McCartney to say the opposite of everything he did while the musician taught him a lesson on the harmonium in his living room. That’s where “Hello, Goodbye” came to be.
According to Steve Turner’s book A Hard Day’s Write: The Stories Behind Every Beatles Song, Taylor stated, “I’ve no memory at all of the tune.” It’s important to keep in mind that melodies are as plentiful around the Beatles as May bugs. Some develop into vibrant butterflies, while others wither and pass away. I’m curious as to whether Paul actually composed that song on the spot or if it was already in his thoughts.

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